6 Easy Winter Skin Care Tips

6 Easy Skin Care Tips During Winter

The cold winter months are just around the corner! Apart from flu and colds which tend to be nastier during the harsh cold parts of the year, dry, unhealthy skin is also common among men and women. Dr. Crowell, a board-certified Miami dermatologist, lists down the following easy tips for your skin care regimen to prevent chapped lips, flaky facial skin, and  cracked soles when winter season begins!

  • Load up on body lotions that contain salicylic acid. This chemical will help prevent flare up of chicken skin (keratosis pilaris) in your upper arms which tend to happen during colder months.

  • Choose heavier creams and lotions that are rich in naturally moisturizing oils. Do not wait for your lighter-based creams to run out before taking stock of them.

  • Sunscreen isn’t not just for summer. Sun exposure is still possible despite cloudy days so lather on SPF during the bleak, winter months.

  • Dehydrate your skin with constant consumption of water.

  • Try wearing socks overnight. Putting on a foot salve before wearing socks will make your feet smoother after 3-4 weeks.

  • A long, hot bath may be very relaxing but it can actually strip your body’s natural moisturizers. So keep your hot baths short.

Would you like to learn more about taking care of your skin not just in winter but the whole year ‘round? To schedule an appointment, please call (305) 274-0221 ext. 100 or 125 or visit Miami Cosmetic Derm to learn more!