Poor Diet & Acne – Is There A Link?

A Poor Diet Could Lead To Acne

When someone suffers from chronic, persistent acne, the first method they usually turn to are topical treatments. While these treatments certainly have a large place in treating pimples, the other half of the treatment often must come within – your own health. It is no secret by now that the diet staples most people eat every day in America are not packed full of the nutrients our bodies need. When your body lacks these nutrients, it will often give an outward, physical symptom. For instance, when you do not eat enough healthy fats, your hair, skin and nails can become very dry. It’s the same with acne – when we choose to fill our bodies with junk instead of essential nutrients, we get pimples! Acne in particular is a symptom of keratinization – simply put; the skin cells are not turning over properly. So what nutrients play a key part in attaining beautiful skin? Here are some to keep in mind: Foods high in vitamin A, such as salmon, broccoli, carrots and spinach will help rev up your skins own cycle, eliminating dirt and oil from pores. Foods high in vitamin A, such as salmon, broccoli, carrots and spinach will help rev up your skins own cycle, eliminating dirt and oil from pores. Zinc rich foods like turkey, almonds and Brazil nuts have been shown to help reduce the bacterium that causes acne. Vitamin C isn’t only great at preventing colds, it can have a calming effect in your skin, reducing inflammation and helping reduce bigger pimples. You can get your daily dose from oranges, tomatoes or grapefruit. Vitamin E, another powerhouse can actually work with vitamin c to reduce inflammation, increasing and complementing its effects. Besides putting healthy foods into your body, remember to keep the bad ones out! Although there’s no direct connection between junk food and acne, most people find that it does cause outbreaks. Some specific foods that have proved to be problematic for skin include chocolate, chips, greasy fries and fast food. So whether you are suffering from full blown acne that affects you every day, or just get the occasional breakout, eating healthier and giving your body what it needs is never a bad idea! Besides helping treat acne, it can also prevent disease, keep your weight steady and give your energy level a boost! Acne is one of the most common treatable skin conditions. It occurs when the hair follicles become clogged with excess oil, if dead skin cells irritate the hair follicles, or if there is a buildup of bacteria underneath the skin. At judith Crowell, MD and Associates we have several remedies to effectively treat acne. Contact us today to learn more: 305.274.0221 or visit: Miami Cosmetic Derm.