Say Goodbye To That Double Chin!

Are there moments in your life where you wished it was easy to get rid of that double chin? You know that annoying excess layer of fat below a person’s chin. These are often associated with weight gain but aging and genetics could also be a factor on their development. This area of pesky excess fat has been difficult to get rid of in the past, but now thanks to Kybella, getting rid of a double chin is simple, safe and effective!    

What is Kybella? Kybella is a cosmetic injectable that improves the appearance of double chin. Through a series of injections, fat cells in the chin area will be dissolved shrinking the excess fat.    

How does Kybella work? Kybella melts the excess layer of fat that becomes a double chin. It uses a man-made form of deoxycholic acid. Deoxycholic acid is a naturally occurring molecule in our body that helps in body in absorbing and breaking down of fat.    

Why should I get a Kybella? Because double chins are so difficult to eliminate you may have tried diet plans or exercise routines with no luck. Kybella is the only FDA-approved injectable that promises to reduce the appearance and improve the profile and shape of your double chin. Because Kybella does not require surgery and is non-invasive, the downtime is minimal.  With most patients returning to normal activities right away.    

What are the side effects of Kybella? Like all medical treatments, Kybella has a few minor side effects such as swelling, numbness and redness in the treatment area.  During clinical trials, participants felt that their neck and chin area was a bit tender for a few hours but these symptoms subsided within a day.

So if you are thinking about getting rid of that double chin, contact our office today to see if Kybella may be right for you! Or Visit Miami Cosmetic Derm to learn more.